Shift244 here. First Shedd and I did the GLAZE show Friday evening. Thanks to all our FRIENDS who showed up. Nice that nobody cares about music. Anyways, it was kind of a weak show, but we didn't care. Anyways, onto the real stuff.

The Coprophage show on Nov. 1st was really good I thought. My cousin DJ Storm played music and stuff for us inbetween our set and stuff. It was the longest show we ever did. 18 songs I believe is what we ended up doing. I thought we sounded as good as we could with the equipment we ended up using. I would like to thank all the friends that DID show up, and I would like to lift one middle finger up to all the "friends" who were too good to show up. It's simple to support your friends for 3 hours like once in awhile. Anyways, I don't have a lot to say, cause it doesn't matter. But thanks to bernd, brett, andy for traveling here. Special thanks to Lydia for actually coming finally. We appreciated it greatly. Hope everyone that went had fun. I did. Later

Set List

-Rot Away
-The Rain Song
-I Am (Conservative)
-Hey Man Nice Shot (Filter Cover)
Pt. of No Return
-Tear Flowing Eye
-Washed Away
-Wall Ride
-Guided Greed
-Kabuki Man
-Meat Plow (STP Cover)
-Better Late Than Never