Third Turd Comments

Shift244's Comments (Corey)

Well we got thrown on this show finally like a week or so before, so not a lot of time to promote. But we knew we'd bring in the crowd. I was pumped to play because Dysfunktion212 was gonna be there again, and I liked them last time, and thought it'd be kick ass to play with them. We opened the show, 1956 played after us, then D212. Anyways, about our show:

We decided to kinda be fuck-ups and act a bit more goofy this show. Shedd sporting the checkered suit coat with his pimp white floppy hat, camo shorts. Very different looking. Shibbie went with the checkered full suit, sweet look, also sported the Dita glasses with nice hair., i wore my jumpsuit and converse, and then switched to shorts and a at black shirt. We decided to switch up the set-list a bit this time around, and I opened up the show. Here was the list:

Set-list December 7th 2002

1) Guided Greed
2) Mechanoreceptor
3) Better Late Than Never
4) Co-Depends/Meat Plow/Paranoid
5) Kabuki Man
6) Tear Flowing Eye
7) Vicitm
8) Cloacae

I thought the show was ok. I screwed up on opening lyrics and stuff. Otherwise i thought we were all into it pretty well. I moved different then normal, maybe not for the better, i don't know, but I had fun. It didn't help having a 40 year old and 10 year old sitting infront of me. Um, i thought our two newest songs were tight. The medley was tight since we only did it once together. Everyone seemed to play great. I was thankful for Wausau Music letting us borrow the bigger bass amp. The show didn't last all that long, about 35 minutes but that's ok. We had fun, and i enjoyed Dysfunktion 212 a lot. Um..not a whole lot more to say. Same venue so nothing crazy. Some people seemed to like us, others are sick of us i think, or didn't think we cared enough, which wasn't true. I guess it helps having people standing and acting like they are more into it. So help us out next time, be lively. Hopefully you'll see us soon. Thanks to all. Peace fucking rabid rabbits. Shift244


My comments!!!! AReeee....the crowd was dormant. don't sit next time, stand at least even if you aren't gonna move. I felt that I got into this show more then last time, moved a bit more. I wasn't nervous at all this time, guess you get used to it. I enjoyed wearing the hat with the get-up i had. Wearing the same suit as last time, and camo shorts this time. Really upset that the Anthro girl didn't show up. What's up with that. My favorite song of the night had to be Tear Flowing, cause Shift didn't know the lyrics and had to ask me what the lyrics were and totally fucked him up. After the show i got comments from D212 and said he liked us. Wanted to know if we'd be doing some shows in Minnesota, so look for us in Minnesota. Anyways, thanks for coming coming if you did. Brandon's pants ruled. Look for us again. Later