Tour Songs


"In many cultures, the products of elimination are considered dirty, polluting, and disgusting. People do not try to keep such things, nor do they in any way revere them. In Papua New Guinea, in the South Pacific, people take great care to bury or otherwise hide their fecal matter. They fear that someone will find it and use it for magic against them. A negative assessment of the products of elimination is not universal, however. In some cultures, these substances are believed to have positive effects."


Please click the links for each song. They will take you to the lyrics. These are all only possibilities for songs, and will probably never be used. Tabs may also possibly be found if the song was worked on. So please check them out. Written by Corey "Shift244" and Dusty "Shedd".

These Songs are songs we actually play at shows sometimes.
** = New song as of Feb 2003. ## = New song as of June 2003
!!= New song as of July 15th 2003

 Better Late Then Never Depends (In the Time I Took a Shit)

Wall Ride         Victim    Guided Greed  

(the new) Mechanoreceptor  Tear Flowing Eye

Kabuki Man  Cloacae

    I Am (Conservative)

Washed Away**          POINT OF NO RETURN**

Rot Away##

Around!!           Inside!!
