Guided Greed Meaning

Ok this song is weird. A lot of meaning. The original song to this melody was called "guidance" and that song was about being bossed around in life. Then I had to scrap it cause I just hated how it went, so I wrote "Guided Greed" The part that dusty/shedd sings (the 2nd verse) was an original part that he wrote while just making up things during one of our first practices. This is possibly our oldest song musically. Anyways, the most of it was written later. A day that Shift244 had dreaded. The night that his brother and former girlfriend got engaged. It just didn't seem right and had a lot of messed up shit in shift244's mind. Anyways, this song now has great meaning to his brother and even includes an intro that his brother Slippy had wrote. I am really happy with this song and think it took a meaningful approach and has grown to be one of my personal favorites. Anyways to sum it up fast. Guided Greed is basically me saying, "fine I give up, you can have him even if it's not right. I'll learn to put up with you, but you'll have to put up with me, cause i'm never going to change my ways, even if he did. I'll still hate you and want you out of my life, but it's pain that has to be shoved aside now." I always thought she just thought about herself also, so thats why it's in there. Anyways, I hope i didn't offend anyone. I always thought of changing the song cause it "didn't fit" with my real life now....but it was so perfect at the time. That is from the thoughts of Shift244