Rot Away Meaning


Initially I never put up a meaning for this song. I probably don't really need to now. Most people don't give a shit what our songs mean to us or anything, but I still want to do this. Anyways, I guess this is a pretty personal song for myself, but could be meaningful to anybody who has ever struggled with anything internally with their body. Anyways, I will define each verse and the chorus seperatly.

Verse 1:

The first line defines somebody hiding a problem away inside and living with the constant fear of possibly dying that day. Instead of just getting help they hide. The second line is about the total loss of control of yourself. You can't do anything on your own anymore to prevent it. The third line is just how the stress builds and builds because of hiding your problems and it just builds up the pain worse and worse. The fourth line is about having the fear but pretending nothing is going on. That everything will be fine despite what is occurring. The fifth line is defined simple enough. You've delt with it for so long that no end seems to ever be in site. It's painful to suffer for so long and never see an end. The last line is just what it says. In a fear of dying you hope that people will at least miss you.


The first line represents how you can become stronger behind your wall of fear. If you really want it, you can overcome all your fears with help. The second line is about having something wrong with you inside and nobody knowing it. You hide it away deep and feel very alone and scared then. The third line basically is once again about hiding things inside. You don't want anybody to know what is wrong with you. It also represents a side of social anxiety where you want to hide yourself away. It hurts too much to be around people our outside your shelter so you stay in. All by yourself. Which leads to the fourth line. Where you're all alone trying to be strong and not get emotional.

Verse 2:

Line one means you finally realize it's time to tell someone. The second line in my case was that i was bleeding inside so the red sea is just that. The third line is about hiding it for so long that it just sickens me and made me worse and worse. The fourth line is, i'm not sure. I suppose it just has to do with finally admitting to having problems. The fifth line is how some people can laugh and make fun of other peoples problems, however they cannot laugh about it. So respect things that bother or harm other people. It takes a lot to stop hiding and they don't need to be pushed back into sheltering. The last line is just what it means. Having a headache from all the problems all the time. It was just a pain in the ass and people shouldn't have to deal with life like that, everyday.

Verse 3:

Verse three is a coming to grips, reality, and finding out you can be better. Some people do care and can help you out. The first line, is basically realizing you aren't going to die, their is a cure to many problems if you just get them. The second line is basically taking a stand, not dying because of this problem. Death will come late and for other reasons. The third line is about people finally pushing you to get the help you need and often it will be the push that saved you. The fourth line is just that. Many people pretend for a long time and it's just not what you should do. Line five is just a reality of knowing what is wrong or happening to you. It feels a hell of a lot better knowing what a problem is and not just thinking your messed up or shit like that. The last line ties into the "song" itself to get the "rot away" title. In my case I considered it rotting away in my inner body and making me slowly rot away.

Well there is the song, meaning to me and what I hope you got out of it. Ya, it's kinda messed up. But I wrote it at a meaningful time, and I think that helped. Hopefully you enjoy the song as much as I do.