Wall Ride Meaning

This song was written by both Shedd and Shift244. Shedd began to write it with the first chorus (writings on the wall..) and then Shift244 took what he thought sounded like "riding on the water" and wrote the 2nd verse, and then created the chorus also from lines from the first verse and whatever. The basic meaning for Shedd is that he liked this girl who would never give a call back. So basically the line "the writings on the wall" basically stands for, she taunted, teased, and acted as if she had interest only to ignore and make the other person sit around and wait and get irritated. As for Shift244, he strongly agrees with this and hates any taunting from women, it's not lady-like. Keep it straight. As for the rest of the song, the second verse stands for basically a rough and bumpy relationship that has ups and downs and then everyone finally collapse. They try to stay above the water surface but nobody is around to help the relationship or help you get back on your feet afterwards. The chorus basically stands for that a person will keep wanting the people they break up often, confused and jealous of what they do. However all that taunting and teasing and friendship has been washed (thrown) away. Anyways, I guess that's the basic meaning to how we wrote this and what we were thinking of. 

The writing's on the wall. It makes me sit here and crawl. As I lie here in bed, waiting for the call. I wanna punch my fist, in the wall.