Washed Away Meaning

Washed away is a creative song I like to think. But it's creative to me, so it might not mean shit to you. Basically the world is just a drawing, you can create your own life and the way you look at things. Nothing is set in stone, it' s just paint. However once in awhile you have bumps or "rain clouds" that come along and ruin your life. All you need is "sun" or something good in life to bring it back. The line "my life seems so wet all the time" just means that some people just seem to always be stuck in a rut where stuff always seems to not work out right. However these things will "wash away" at some point if you just hold on long enough. All you have to do is walk away from it and hopefully all the shit will turn into beautiful life. Don't make the world out to be as bad as it is, you can shape your future and make it better from the bumps you traveled over. As for the 2nd verse I added some weird twists like Doom and Tiger Woods. The Doom line just means that people are always shooting and killing random people with violence, but a game is a game, life is not. Then it goes back to the whole rain/paint idea that these problems are just "clouds" and they'll go away some day. If you think it's so bad you kill yourself, you're dead, their is no coming back you only get once chance. So just keep on drawing your life story.