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Incision behind the ear
Fluids start to leak out
Mastoid bone exposed
Fluids still leaking out now
Malpractice is an art
Removing the encephalocele
No PhD ... No right to be
Cutting with rusty tools
Cranial based surgery
Hurniation of the brain
Spinal fulid leakage seen
Cutting with these reusty tools
I could slip up...could be messy
May as well get out the drill
Death weighs on my conscience heavy
Stale latex on clammy skin
Tools keep breaking I have many
Get up the nerve to reach back in
I can see disease is spreading
Look at this mess
See what I did
Wrapped up in gauze
Get the bleach and help me clean this
Look at me now
Covered in discharge
See waht I did
The blood seeps right through the bandage
What made me think
I could fix it
Ive not been trained
Now the death stench overwhelming
Operation total failure