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Review from Seeds Of Evil

Third Eye Grind
First things first, I laughed my ass off at this album title. Cystic Relapse is sick, disgusting and heavy as fuck. Everything you need for a good gore/grind band. You just gotta love song titles like "Gut Ocean", and "Grinding Gravel Into A Gaping Gash". "Third Eye Grind" is great from start to finish, and Cystic Relapse puts on one hell of a live show. Check these guys out and get your sick twisted hands on this cd. -Ron Moody

Review from One Golden Spoon

Cystic Relapse
'Third Eye Grind'
By Brian
Published 2003-11-17 12:43:04

Somewhere deep in the underground of death metal exists a community of artists and fans who revel in imagery of gor and horror and extreme occult. They dress like it's Halloween for their shows and get-togethers, they decorate bathroom stall walls with splattering eyeballs and Pentagrams. They celebrate darkness and night and blood and b-movies.

Cystic Relapse is an obvious product of that scene. Their snot-green, handdrawn CD cover gives one a realistic idea of the blastbeat grindcore that's contained within. Death metal vocals highlight the somewhat original take they've got of the whole idea, and they pull off a sound that showcases both their skill and their desire to give the listeners a good time.

On the surface this seems like just another grindcore band, but if you take time to listen, they've got some interesting things for you to hear.


Pros: high skill level, good songwriting, not boring

Cons: production is kind of lousy, but potential is definitely there