Why We Love David Bowie
Come on now, you have to like something about this multitalented man. He sings, he paints, he acts, he writes, he's sexy.. the list goes on. Look at his face...it SO unique - the eyes (one pupil is bigger than the other because of a fight over a girl), the bone structure (come on how often do you see a guy with prominent high cheek bones like that!), the nose, the mouth and wow... look at his hair. His hair changes ALL THE TIME. from big, blonde, and curly to short, orange and spikey, to brown, long and straight -not to mention Ziggys hair - red mullet. no musical artist has changed as much as him and stayed in the public eye as long as he has. Here are some more reasons WHY we love David Bowie.
he likes cats
and kittens!
he likes dogs
and pigs!?? lol
he's always there to lend an ear...(yes ladies and gentlemen thats david bowie circa 1983)
he walks around with stuffed monkeys and still thinks he's cool
he walks on stage as a wizard...with a serious dental problem
he look sexy while he plays the guitar and records a new album
he has a big peepee.