Dirty Paint
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Dirty Paint

Dirty Paint is a combined effort of Flavy and Brian Miller, a father and son team. The project was two years in the making and was done on weekends and in their spare time. Brian Miller wrote and arranged all songs except Look What Your Love Has Done, which was written by his father, Flavy Miller. Brian also played all instruments and did all of the vocals except for a few guitar liner notes and some backup vocals, which were done by Flavy. Dirty Paint was recorded at Flavy's studio, Small Town Studio (STS). Flavy wore the hats of engineer, project manager, producer and musician. Michael Holder, Brian's first cousin, did all art work and graphics for the CD. This is a labor of love between father and son. The music experienced here ranges from before the Beetles to John Mayer. While Brian's influences have been Lynyrd Skynyrd/Pearl Jam, Flavy's tastes go all the way back to the Beetles/Led Zepplin. Together this CD makes for a unique piece of art work. It is ready for the masses. Play it loud!
to buy the C.D or to listen to selections please click on the link

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