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Crab Feed
Look 'n Listen
Band CD's
Fun & Humor
Marching Band
Wish & Fund
Coming Soon...

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Wish & Fund: Support Our Band!

    From mindless shopping in Loomis to simple donations, the Del Oro Golden Eagle Band has many ways you can support it! Click Here to find out how!

Webmasters! Click Here!

New Band CD's Are Now Available

    Congratulations!  As many already know, Mr. and Mrs. Calvo had their second child, a girl.  In recognition of this, I put together three different CD's for them that are now available for purchase!

Block PopUps!

    Until we transfer this webpage to NorCal, the webpage will be on a free Angelfire service that has popups and banners at the bottom of each page.  The best way to get rid of these popups is to get the Google Toolbar.
Only Some of the Features:

Search the web with Google from any site

Eliminate popup ads

Fill in forms with one click

Click Here for details!

Upcoming Events!

Every Monday & Wednesday - Winter Percussion
Every Tuesday Night - WinterGuard & Jazz Band
Jan. 17 - 3rd Annual Crab Feed
Feb. 11 - Elementary Invitational
Feb. 14 - Roseville Winter Show
Feb. 16 - All-Day Winter Practice
Feb. 28 - 1st Annual Winter Spectacular Possibility
Mar. 5 - Wilcox/Fairfield Winter Show
Mar. 11 - Spring Concert with Choir
Mar. 13 - Oakmont Festival (Winter Show)
Mar. 19 - 1st Annual Winter Spectacular Possibility
Mar. 26 - Benicia/Foothill Winter Show

Thank You NorCal Broadband!

    NorCal Broadband donated a quality web hosting package so we may expand our abilities online. Please visit NorCal Broadband at NorCal Broadband. NorCal provides quality high speed DSL (or Broadband) for as low as $19.99 a month.

Make Del Oro Band Your Homepage!

Home • Crab Feed • Look 'n Listen • Band CD's • Fun & Humor • Newsletter • Calendar • Marching Band • Maps • Links • Wish & Fund • Spectacular • Coming Soon... • Search • Feedback • Webmasters

Mailing Address:
Del Oro Band Supporters
PO Box 296
Loomis, CA 95650

Street Address:
Del Oro High School
3301 Taylor Rd.
Loomis, CA 95650.
Click Here to Get the Map!
eMail Addresses: (General) (Webmaster)

Copyright © 2003 Del Oro Golden Eagle Band
Last modified by Nathan James Brauer:
17 March 2004 11:57:16 PM