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«Kristo gure barnean dugu!»








Amaia Arzallus


Iñigo Arzallus


Leire Arzallus


Rev. Fr. Pablo (Zuniga)


The DOXOLOGIA Byzantine Music Society of the Basque Country works with every layer of Basque society, particularly graduate students, clergy and interested laypersons, and takes on the role of steward for a specialized reference collection of Byzantine iconography and liturgical texts.

The Byzantine Music Society, in collaboration with St. Mark Serbian Orthodox Church in the city of Irun, focuses on the liturgy and spirituality of the Orthodox Christian Church which are the cornerstones of an Orthodox theological education. At the same time, it nurtures a pan-Orthodox milieu open to peoples of every nation and language. 

«We who mystically represent the Cherubim sing the thrice-holy hymn to the life-giving Trinity, set aside all care of this life, for we are about to receive the King of all, majestically escorted by invisible legions of angels.»



The talents and contributions of Orthodox scholars from around the world makes possible the scholarly aspects of our work which has at its center the praxis of Orthodox theology and mysticism.


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Mailing Address::  DOXOLOGIA Euskal Herriko Bizantziar Musika Elkartea

K/ Santaklara, 8 Behea

20.100 Errenteria-Orereta, GIPUZKOA

e-Mail: gipuzkoa2004@yahoo.com 


 Last Update: 11 April 2004