This Page has now been dedicated to Dr. Jeremy Kushner. Former MSSU Percussion Instructor. R.I.P. and you will always be remembered...
The Next Generation
First off, DP Inc. does not stand for Derek Palmer stands for DEPRIVED PERSONS...the DP is not for my name. Thank you...
Welcome to DP Inc. Doesn't this just look great? I re-did most of the site so that it would be more interesting to people...
Now, there will, like I said before, be a lot of new stuff going on in this site. I'm trying to do a lot of things with the amount of space I actually have. But for now, just look around and see if you like anything here. Please sign the guestbook and tell me if you like the new format. Thanks again and enjoy DP!
Tuesday, November 8th-
The trailor for the new skate video, out December 17th, is up on the video clips section. Check it out,I put a lot of hard work into it, and so did everyone involved in the video.
Tuesday, November 8th-
I added up some more music videos, I haven't really been able to update the site very much, but I will when I have time. Check back for more later.
Saturday, October 8th-
Well, didn't have much to add up and not really having time to add more stuff up. But there is one more song up and the pics of the month have changed. There will be some more skate stuff up soon, but until then, just check back when you can.
Friday, September 1-
I added up a ton of stuff...ok, maybe I didn't but I did add up a lot of stuff. Make sure that you check out the new section in the Video Clips page. Go down to the bottom and find Other Videos, and that's where all the new music videos will come into play. There's about 20 up so far, and much more to come, so keep checking back. Thanks again.
Wednessday, August 29-
Changed the pics of the month around, so check that out, and also (if u haven't noticed) I've also add and put up some music videos embeded into the site, i think i put up like...3. on random pages. thats all for now.
Saturday, August 20-
Added a couple of music videos up. I got some slipknot, and Sum 41 and a couple of others. Check it out. Also added up another flash animation stick fight thing. It's pretty cool, but short, but nevertheless, still pretty cool.
Saturday, August 13-
I changed some of the colors around and arranged some of the stuff around the site. Thought it should use a change. I also added up a section called, Pics of the Month. They will change every month. Pics of the MonthThat's pretty much all for right now.
Friday, August 12-
Well, added up another skate video. And added up some Eiffel 65 music videos, so check em out..Video ClipsSunday, August 7-
Ok, I finally got around to putting up some DP Music. To get to it, go to the MusiK section then click on downloads.Downloads Feel free to listen to them, just don't steal them and say that they are your own. Cuz we put a lot of hard work into our songs, so enjoy!
Saturday, July 2-
Added up some Waterman videos...their flash animations tho, so u have to have flashplayer to watch them, but they are funny...congrats to the ppl that worked on it. Its up in the Video Clips section. Enjoy!
Tuesday, June 21-
Added another video up on the Video Clips page. And I added up a new Logo for DP on the main entrance page. Thought that we should actually get one on yea...check this stuff out..PEACE!
Friday, June 17-
Added one the first ever DP Music Video. It is Derek Palmer's "Good Times (Reprise)" Video. Lot of work going into that video. Well, that's pretty much it for today's update. Haven't really been home btw...I got chased by a dude with a shotgun last that like insane?
Tuesday, June 7-
Well, I decided to actually post updates on this thing, so then ppl would know when I actually do something with this site. Well, today I got some poetry up and got 2 new vids up. So check em out. Still working on the animation for the DP Movies. and still got some script things to do. That's pretty much it for today.