Well, the tale starts on the morning of Thanksgiving. The air was still and yet a little chillie. There wasn't much traffic, so the ride would be fast and painless. I'm sure the cops would be out patroling, so I had to make sure that I was paying attention.
I arrived at my destination and picked Vanessa up, because she was going to my house for Thanksgiving. And we did all the usual Thanksgiving stuff, like, eating, talking and we even played a damn card game called Golf. It was weird...it hurt my head. I talked to a cousin or something, and talked to him about drum stuff. He's a big drum guy. He even plays in a band and he gave me a CD that he and his band recorded.
After all the festivities, we went back to my house, watched a couple of movies. Then her mom called and wanted to know where the hell we were. We told her that we were just getting ready to leave. (I already told her that we'd be late). I finally got her to her house, and by that time I was really to tired to drive back home. So, she went inside to ask if I could stay over there so that I would have somewhere to sleep. She came back out crying and saying that her mom was being a bitch and wouldn't let me stay the night over there, and about how she was grounded for a week and then her curfew was lowered to ten o' clock. This whole thing is really gay, cuz I already told both her parents that it would be late.
To make the long story short. I ended up sleeping in my car, which was very hard. And it was like 30 degrees outside, in which i got sick from sleeping in my car. And both me and Vanessa was very pissed about the whole thing. But it was an interesting story. It wasn't funny at the time, but now we can laugh at it, cuz it is really funny now. I don't know why it is, but it is...