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The Odd Years


Ok, you're all probably wondering why I called this section " Flip-O-Mania", right? Well, it's simple...the only thing this has to do with is, well,'s that simple. Everyone has at least attempted some kind of just might not work out the way they wanted it to, but everyone has probably tried a flip once or twice in their lives.

I remember trying a backflip off of my car once. It was kinda freaky. I was able to do flips on a trampoline, but hell, off of something onto solid ground? That's just insane.

Anyway, as I was saying; I just had this idea of doing a backflip off of my car. I thought it would look pretty cool. It took me about five minutes to get the balls to do it. Then another 30 seconds of standing on top of my car to actually do it. Then I said, might as well do it. So, I turned around and jumped back and did the flip. I landed it too, in which I was very surprised, because I didn't flip really fast, and I thought that I was going to hit my face on the ground. But, I did it and what's done is done.

Now, about five minutes after that, I decided to try to do a 180 backflip...that didn't work out like I had planned. I did the 180 then did half of the backflip...then just fell down and landed on my head. I have it on video somewhere. It was pretty funny.

Now another whole chapter can be explained of Andrew Gurwell's flip abilities. This is the only dude I know that will look at something and say..." Dude, I bet ya I could do a backflip off of that.". I mean, seriously. It's pretty cool though.

For instance, we; me, Turbo, Revis, and Gurwell, went to take a trip to Springfield, to the mall. It was pretty fun. Did all the stupid stuff you could see us doing. All in all, it was a good trip. But we were walking down the mall, looking to see what we could do for laughs, and we saw a stage. Now, most ppl would ask, what are they using that for? But we on the other hand already knew what we could do. So, we asked Gurwell to do a backflip off of it. He got up and did the damn thing in two seconds flat. It was crazy.

Another one actually happened a few days ago. Me and Gurwell was skating at the COX Rehab Center. We we were just skating and chillin out and havin a good time. Then he climbs up on the roof. I followed him over to the side of the building. At that spot, the roof ends then a smaller little building starts. He said " Film this". I said ok, then turned the camera on and pointed it at him. I hit the record button. He then jumps and does a backflip off of the taller roof to the smaller roof. Then he holds his hand out to indacate to me to keep filming. He then does it again! That was insane. Afterward, a guy came up to us to tell us how insane it was. He was across the street and saw him to the flip. I thought we were busted at first, cuz this guy came out of nowhere, but he thought it was cool, and hiliarious all at the same time. I don't see how, but at least we didn't get into trouble for it. I even still have it on video, I don't know how well you can see it, but it works, it's still proof that he did it. It was awesome. Don't really think you can get any crazier than that!