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The Odd Years


Well, this is a story about a man...ok no it isn't, but I can dream can't I? Anyway, this is a true story about a group of teenagers. Their names have not been protected and screw the innocent...

Well, the day started out as a pretty nice day. It was a little cold, but we dealt with it. We even went to skate before we actually did anything of any value. We hit this church that had a little stair set that had a ledge going down the side of it. I decided to try it out, you know, to see if it was grindable. And it kinda was. I tried a trick on it and almost landed it. Turbo saw it and decided to try it too. He tried to boardslide it and the board shot out in front of him and he fell on the ledge, spread open, if u know what i mean. It had to be one of the best bails that we have ever done and we didn't get it on film. It sucked...but it happens, oh well.

Anyway, getting to the point of this story...

We headed to Joplin, so that I could do some X-mas shopping. We went to the usuall parking lot, infront of the Food Court. We decided to hit Spencers first. We went in and looked around for a little bit. We stopped and looked at T-shirts to see if there were any new ones there, and there wasn't. Then we started looking at keychains. I thought a couple of them were pretty funny, so I decided to get them. We walked around the rest of the store, but then we noticed when we got over to the posters, that one of the employees were following us around the store. I thought that was kinda weird. This guy had a very gay sounding voice and his face was coverd in facial peircings. It was kinda hard to look at him in the face without laughing. I called him can-opener. Not to his face though...just in my head.

But we didn't pay any attention to it at the time. We just kept looking around, then Turbo mentioned that he was following us around and he and Jeremy ( my brother) went over to Hot Topic. Now, I went back to the keychains to decide if I really wanted to get those keychains that I grabbed earlier and to see if there were any other ones that I wanted.

I went up and paid for them then started to walk out the store. The damn can-opener face followed me outside the store, and the convo went as I quote...

Can-opener..." Ok, now that you have officially left the store, I'm going to have to ask you to empty your pockets and give me back those keychains that you took."

Me..." Ok? But, I didn't take anything."

Can-opener..." Well, I found the price tags from those keychains ripped off and laying on the floor everywhere that you went."

So I agreed to empty my pockets out...

Me..." See, cell phone in this one."

Can-opener..." The other one."

Me..." My keys, and my wallet."

Can-opener..." Well, what about that zipper there?"

Me..." That's not a's for looks, dude."

Can-opener..." Well, I believe that you..."

Me..." Look! I don't really care what you believe! I didn't fucking take anything! I showed you everything I have, and I didn't fucking take anything! So leave me the fuck alone!"

He then had a surprised look on his face and stepped back a little.

Can-opener..." Well, maybe your friends took them."

He then went over to Hot Topic to find my brother and Turbo, and asked them to empty their pockets out. After they didn't show that they had any keychains either, can-opener walked out of Hot Topic and told us never to come back to the store again. Which really pissed us off, because Spencers is a really cool store and all. So, we went to Customer Service and filled out a complaint form then tried to get mall security to go with us to Spencers so that we could get an appologie, but they said that they couldn't get personally involved.

So, we went back to Spencers, but didn't go in. But we stood outside the store and warned people that they would get followed by a gay dude, with metal sticking out of his face. And then Turbo waved at him everytime he looked out the store. It's funny now, but at the time, it really pissed us off. But, we are in the process of getting this little punk fired from working there...all in a days work I guess...