Relationships in band isn't a rare thing. There are many of them, some in the same section, but that is very rare. There are basically three stages to the band relationship: The March, the concert, and the end of the year ( AKA: I don't care anymore). The march part of a relationship happens in, well, marching band. This stage contains stuff like yelling, yelling, and more yelling. It's even better if the two people in the relationship are also in jazz band. Because then you get the yelling during band and the " make-up" during jazz band. During marching band, you don't have a hundred band people marching around. You have a hundred hulks marching around. You make them mad and you get things being flung across the feild ( Like offense). Then the concert band season comes. This is the toned down part of band. Everyone is mellowed out and there is no early band! Everyone loves that. No one wants to come in at 7 am every morning. That's really, really early. Concert band is the part where band people actually become people. There's no more yelling plus you get a long time to practice before you go to the one competition that you actually go to. Then after all of that concert band comes to an end and the end of the school year comes again. No more yelling and fightging. No more mood swings that make the band directors go..." Wow...". And people break for summer break and go do whatever they want to do. The best part that they don't have to worry about band...Hince the last stage..." I don't care"...