Kaptinns Logg Number 1
Durning this nights travels, we found that you cannot skate at a skate park in OOOOORRRRRUH..uH..at 3:30 in the morning. If you do, the law inforcement type personal will come and take your IDs! Then accuse you of doing crack cocaine and walking with panda bears in the middle of the park.
After that little thingymicjigerdohickey, we traveled to the great land of OZ in the Wall-of-the-Mart. They have many great things including fizzy-drinks, and fried potato skins with real cheese flavoring...no joke...
After doing the Walling-of-the-Mart, we traveled around in the land of OZ until the wee hours of the morning, in which Kaptinn Turbo had to take a tinkle in the dougout facilities or something like that...
Our journey ended with going back to the one Turbo's house and picking up some stuff then traveling back through the land of OZ and going to Sir Derek Humps a lot and eating some flesh and sludge. This travel has presented us with a great lesson...
Lesson being...
Urine is sterile, you can drink it...