Kaptinns Logg Number 2
This nights travels, we found that when in need...just call on Kaptin Derek and Kaptin Turbo for entertainment. There was fun at first with just jokes concerning the one they call Tori...or T for short. Yesssss....
After realizing that the night was growing late and dark, we ventured out into the wilderness of the Land of Oz, and had Kaptin Turbo stand atop the castle of Sir J-Dogg; or better known as The-One-And-Only-Waldo!
After jumping from the castle in a failed suicide attempt, Kaptin Turbo and Kaptin Derek thought it be wise to break into the one and only evil fort of the Palmers and steal the sacred gold club from Lil Shweeble Boy! This was a success!
After doing all of this, we decided it be time to relax with some Techno-Type-Telovission-Progression-Entertainment-Force-Field-Typethingamajig. We relaxed and enjoyed ourselves with Fizzy Drinks of the Pepsi and Cola varity.
This travel presented itself with a good lesson as do they all...Lesson being...
It is much easier to break into a house if you have the key...