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The Odd Years

Nitescapades...The Third One...

In this magical journey throught sight, sound, smell, auaura, and even through the madagascar hissing cockroaches...we still ended up in a place unknown to man...but furthermore...known to the beasts within all of us...

On this nite, Kaptins Drk and Turbo, road deep into the nite. The rain pouring down on them as they tried to find where to go and what path to take. They ran to the one place that they know that could stop all evil...possibly all of humanity...Dairy Queen.

We talked to the one they call...Jessica. She was working for the man and scrubbing his tables and chairs with some soapy liquid thingystuff. We then left and pursued the water to the Kime's house. There we broke in through the back door and started ransaking the girls room. We then decided just to take her electroning portable phone and head out to another victoms house...hahahah...ha...

Then we went to Kat's house...but didn't really take anything there...

Then we went to Jason's house, talked to the parentals and then stole a lighter from him. Then we headed to Sir Nick's was too late to go inside so, me and Kaptin Turbo just decided to soil is yard with urine...basiacly we could't go inside, so we pissed on his lawn...

...umm...the end...