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The Odd Years

The Opener

Interesting things happen to everybody. Nothing is really boring when you look at it. You always have friends that will stand by your side, and loving boyfriends and girlfriends who just make it even more exciting.

But then one day you wake up and you realize that you live in a screwed up world with screwed up parents and screwed up teachers. You can’t go anywhere without seeing something out of the ordinary or something that’s just…well…so screwed up, it’s almost impossible to explain.

Then you add band and jazz band into the mix and you’ve got yourself an all out freak fest! No joke. Anything and everything can happen in band class. And not just the class itself, you’ve also got the famous band trips that are always fun. Even more outrageous things happen on the band trips. Whether it is a trip to Colorado and Florida, or it being a simple trip to St. Louis and Kansas City.

Whether you like it or not, we all live in a screwed up world. We shouldn’t try to stop the unstoppable. Well…I guess we should just go on with our lives and not worry about the weird, stupid, and unexplained. Then we can all laugh about it later…that is when the people you are laughing at are not around to see you making fun of them…