Well, Me, Shawn and Turbo all decided that we were gonna go camping. We planned it all together and started to save up money and stuff... the only difference was that we were gonna go to Ohio to do this camping. We didn't really have to, but we all thought that it would be great to get some time off and away from our retarded town and all the stressful peeps in it. Everything started off good. We went down I44 heading toward St. Louis. Now, getting to St. Louis wasn't the worst part, it was driving through it. We were trying to get onto I55 North, and we got into some heavy traffic...like 5 or 6 lanes of it. Well, we ended up on I55 and everything calmed down a little. The next thing I know, we are getting pulled over by a St. Louis cop. He came up to the window and asked me to roll it down. Now, if you know how my car is, you will realize that my windows dont really like me too well, so I couldn't really get it down, and the cop got pissed. But he took our ID's and then asked why we were doing going down that road. I was a little confused, but I told him that I was looking for a road. Then he looked at the directions that I had and told me that we were going the wrong direction, maybe about an hour and a half out of the way. Then we finally got onto the right road, and drove for about 4 hours, then got onto another road. At that point, I was tired of driving, so I let Turbo drive for awhile. He drove until we stopped for gas next, which was about 2 hours. Then we switched agian. We drove all the rest of the way throught Illinois, and onward through Indiana. The directions I didn't take into effect road construction, and then I got lost, but then found where I needed to go. We drove some more then got to the state lines of Indiana and Ohio. Then we got lost again. So we tried to find our way to the road we needed to get on, but we could't find it, we even stopped to ask for directions, which we never like to do. We got them, and then I drove over a giant center median. Mind you this is me going on 2 days with about 2 hours of sleep. We then decided that we wouldn't have enough gas to get home if we kept looking around, so we turned around and headed back home. But going back home wasn't that hard either, it was only 3 Interstates, all highway. But I did get lost in Indianapolios, but I made it through with little trouble. We got back home and went to Turbo's house for a real campout...kinda...I finally caught up on my sleep, but even though we didn't get to where we wanted to go, we still had a good time, and we all became a little closer friends.
Best quote from this: ( After getting through St. Louis the first time) Derek: " Damn!...After that I could use a cigarette!"