Something that I’ve found out on all of our band trips is that no matter where you are or what you’re supposed to be doing, you never get bored. The band people have evolved over the ages and have become smarter. They have even adapted to the climate due to the marching band season. Their IQ’s have almost become that of an average ape. And yes, they can walk on only two legs now. But what I’m trying to get at is that band people have learned improvisation. Yes, I know it’s a big word, let me put it simply…band people have learned to have fun with what they’ve got. So here are some tips on how to entertain yourself if necessary.
1. You can sleep on the bus ride up and back, but don’t expect to wake up with a clean face.
2. If you are going somewhere with high altitudes, pack something in your suitcase that has a spray can and see what happens when you get to your room.
3. Bring a skateboard and make a total idiot out of yourself right in front of the people at the front desk at your hotel.
4. Pull the wheels off of a skateboard and try to ride it down some stairs.
5. Get security called on you for being noisy.
6. Make prank phone calls to rooms of your other band members.
7. Make prank phone calls to rooms of people that you don’t know at all.
8. Make prank phone calls to the front desk.
9. Order a pizza and have it delivered to the front desk with the orders name being Sema Nuts.
10. Go into the mini gym and pull the treadmill in front of the door and not let anybody in.
11. Use the complimentary ice bucket as a hat.
12. Order room service and then when they deliver, tell them that I forgot your money at home.
13. Call the front desk and ask for a wake up call for seven o’ clock when the time is seven ten.
14. Call McDonalds and ask if you can speak to the manager, then ask the manager if they have pepperoni pizza, when they say no, then ask for a Whopper.
15. Call 911 and tell them that you got a paper cut from the T.V. Guide.
16. Call and order a movie on pay-per-view then call back when the movie is over and say that you can’t pay for the movie.
18. Then if you don’t get any candy out of the machine, ask the front desk if they have a dollar that you could borrow.
19. Ask the bus driver if you can drive the bus back to the school.
20. Ask if you can sleep in the luggage holders of the bus.
21. Try to watch a rated R movie and argue with the adults that it is rated PG-13.
22. Bring a portable DVD player and have the bus driver “accidentally” run over it and try to get the band directors to buy you a new one.
23. Try to bring beer onto the bus then argue that it’s a new drink called Whoop Ass.
24. Always bring a camera so that you can have the flash go off in people’s eyes.
25. And last but not least…always steal something from the hotel rooms.
If you have any that you would like to add, please send them to me A.S.A.P. Thank you.