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The Odd Years

10 Things to Think About

1. Why do they say that the names have been changed to protect the innocent, when, in fact, someone gets screwed in the end?

2. Why is it that you can have a pizza delivered to your house faster than you can get an ambulance to your house?

3. Why is there handicap parking places at the skating rinks?

4. Why is there people out there who say to others, “ Think Positive.” When they end up thinking negative toward other people and themselves?

5. Why are there Spanish teachers in school ( Mrs. Prescott) who need Spanish speaking students in their classes so that they will know how to say the words correctly.

6. Why do pop machines take your money? Because then you just get mad at it and you end up kicking it and getting nothing in return except for a swollen ankle or a bruised foot.

7. Why are there weird people on this earth? Did God just get bored and decided to make something that was a little entertaining?

8. Why do monkeys throw poop at you when there are bus loads of school children coming by?

9. Why do trumpets think that they rule the world?

10. Why is there always twenty billion names on the credits of movies? I mean, it’s not like anybody reads all of them. They might look like they are, but in reality…they are just listening to the music in the background.