Mania |
[ DEDICATION ] I have made this site coz F4 has inspired me to do so and I'm gonna say these things with pride... this site is dedicated to the 4 of them especially to Ken Zhu and Vic Zhou. Thanks for inspiring US ( F4 Addicts ). My life before was pretty dull. I'd liked different boybands before but no one yet has inspired me the you do. Before, I don't care about Asian music but now I realized that it was so stupid of me not to fall inlove with such an awesome music. Philippines loves you so much! I can tell coz all day, people here are really talking about you. This site is also dedicated to all the F4 fans especially to my fellow Filipino F4 fans. I know that you feel the same way that I do for them. and let's keep them alive! let's keep on supporting them no matter what happens. This goes to all my friends and family as well. To alinah, casey, lalah, kresia, ninz and macky... thanks!