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Band Members

Jamie Allen- Guitarist

Birthday: 01/10/88

Fav Bands: RHCP, Funeral For A Friend

Status: Killer guitarist and yes ladies, he's still single!

Jamie is a vegetarian, loves playing rugby, has in fact won rugby player of the year at his rugby club, hehe, I'm making this sound like a dating show



Joel Woodward (me)- Guitarist

God i'm goregous (yeh right!) worst picture i could find, I didn't want to make the other guys in the band look to bad (hehe)

Birthday: 26/09/88

Fave Bands: Funeral For A Friend, Foo Fighters, Feeder, Brand New, Taking Back Sunday

Status: Dazed and very often, in fact very very very often, confused

I'm the local mop head, every band has one and that's me, also i get called Shaggy, no the one from Scooby Doo not the rapper



Chris Newman- Drummer

Customer Service announcement:

Unfortunatley when we tried to take a photo of Chris the camera exploded, we still aren't sure why this happened but we are all putting our money on his face......thankyou

Aparently, according to him, we will never get a photo, fine by me, but here is a little snippet of what he looks like:

As a baby


He was always so chirpy




A bit older

Problems arose





Unfortunatley we have just found out Chris cannot move from this spot......... we are now looking for a drummer