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False Paradise

I thought your love was made out of gold,
Turns out your feelings were made out of stone.

Why did you leave me in the Paradise all alone?
Behind you is a trail of heartache and broken souls,

Pick me up, drop me down, give me the blues,
Make me stand up and out, just like a fool

White stallion come and take you through the sky,
While I stand here, wallowing in this False Paradise

Midnight Mirage

Join me in the midnight mirage,
In the land of love, that's only a starlit facade

Jupiter rises in the sky,
Meets with the stars and takes me all the way up high.

C'mon girl, we'll define love and desire,
We'll make love, iridescent fire

In the midnight mirage, I want you right by my side,
Let Jupiter and the swirling stars take you on a cosmic ride

Where is the Sun?

Mothers starving, and destruction,
Anti-matter, mindless function,
Endless war, killing sprees,
Daisy cutters, fatal disease

Where is the sun, hiding from man,
Where are all the children, dying in the sand,

So you see, the end has come,
Saved nothing, helped no one,
Suburb mansions, dollar bills,
Daddy's downing whiskey, Momma's poppin' pills,

Rich man, Business man, you got to go
It's time for the children to take control

Midnight Rider

I find myself taking the highway to no place,
Maybe take the roadway to interstellar space,
Anyway, here I come to chase the day,
I'm the Midnight Rider, so they say

I'm a freedom fighter,
A Midnight Rider,
I'm a rambling loner,
I'm a rolling stone,

Take a shot of mezcal and a hit of boo,
Leaving on a storm cloud right on out to you,
So there I am, walking on the clouds a million miles high,
Just a shadow in the distance, a star in the sky

I'm a freedom fighter,
A Midnight Rider,
I'm a rambling loner,
I'm a rolling stone,

Starlight in my hair, fire in my eyes,
I'm the Midnight Rider, owner of the twilight sky,
Singing to the stars, a million miles high,
I'm the Midnight Rider, owner of the midnight sky

Coyote Moon (Mr. Alibali)

Oh coyote moon, scream across the sky like liquid fire,
Swirl and flourish in the night like florid desire.

Poor Mr. Alibali, sitting in his room of gold,
Never to waste away, never to grow old
Sold your soul for eternal years,
Built your tower on blood and tears.
So now we're all in the garden,
Experiencing euphoric affinity,
While Mr. Alibali celebrates his false divinity.

I watch the girl with hair of liquid sun walk the Meridian line
Open you arms little girl and walk on into mine

Green Tiled Hallway

Green tiled hallway, forever stained in my mind,
Green tiled hallway, with gasoline clored skies
Soft cut colored tiles, line 100 doors into mine,
Hallway stretches for a million miles, and don't forget the vacant sign.

Green tiled hallway,
Green tiled hallway,
Pillars made of nostalgic stone
As for the nameless symbol, baby, on the dying embers of the nostalgic fire

Green tiled hallway,
Stretch on for a million miles
C'mon let's go all the way,
Up to the nostalgic gasoline skies.

Autumn Dream

I see the sweet sihouette, on an open field,
Where love and peace, are all real,
She's dancing for, eyes unseen
In this florid, Autumn Dream,
Freedom and survival,
Psychedelic revival
Dances with colors, infinite hue,
This girl's gonna take a hold of you,
Freedom and Survival,
Psychedelic revival,
She will always be the Queen,
Of my florid Autumn Dream

Larry Lane

Y'know I live on, Larry Lane,
Gonna take this, Mystery train,
Come and meet me, at the gate,
Gonna find our, hidden fate,
Y'know I live on, Larry Lane,
Gonna take this Midnight train,
Gonna leave this, world of hate,
Gonna ride the, rattlesnake,

Something crawling, outside,
Must be the creature, in my mind,
It's father Python, in the snow,
We watch how he, slithers so,

Y'know I live on, Larry Lane,
Gonna take this Midnight train,
Y'know I live on, Larry Lane,
Gonna take this Serpent train,
Girl, we gonna, play this game
Gonna bring you, inside my brain,
Gonna leave this, world of pain,
Gonna make you, go insane,

Something crawling, outside,
Must be the creature, in my mind,
It's father Python, in the snow,
We watch how he, slithers so,

All lyrics copyrighted Gabe Endres 2003