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Who Is Ice

Ice is, or tries to be the nicest person in the world. I have been accused of playing too much sometimes, but I feel like I've gone through too much in my life to be serious all the time. I have to joke in order to keep from being angry and/or upset all the time.

I have one brother and one sister. Both older than me. I guess that would make me the baby hugh? I am considered to be very smart. Mainly because my moz (mother) put me in honors classes (high level, honorole type clases).

Ice has a sufficient amount of associates. Not too many friends. Actually only 1 that I can honestly count. But it's coow. All I really need is people to talk to anyway, and I got enough of them.

I grew up in Brick City so I got some war wounds, some battle scars. Some that I can show, and some that can't. But I try to keep all that in the past. I try not to street fight anymore, so I fight in the ring. I could talk (or type) you to death, but I'll just give you the important stuff.

    · Favorite Type of Movie: Comedy, and Action Movies-Jackie Chan Movies, Anything with Fighting in it.

    · Favorite Food: Pizza, lasanga, and Chinese.

    · Favorite Sport: If martial arts is a sport then...

    · Favorite color: Black.

    · Favorite Brand of Clothing: Fubu, Sean John, Echo, or anything else that makes me look good.

    · Favorite T.v. Show(s): Martial Law and, Whos line is it anyway.

    · Spare Time Stuff: Practicing martial arts, singing, writin' rapps, and working on my game. (lol)


    Martial arts


    Money (I try not to like it too much)



    Reading the Bible

    Cold Weather



    Fake people

    People that lie to me with a streight face.


    Getting anything lower than a B as a grade

    Street fighting

    People telling me to "shut up."

    People trying to take advantage of me (punk me).

    People that talk about CRRRAAAAAAP.

    Talking to people about myself.

    People throwing things up in my face (things that I tell them).


    People thrying to read me.

    People that make assumptions.

· BACK · Waz up with the name?

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