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In Moments Like These:




In moments like these,
 I sing out a song;
I sing out a love song to Jesus.
In moments like these,
I lift up my hands 
I lift up my hands to the Lord.



Singing, “I Love You, Lord.”


                                   Singing, “I Love You, Lord.”

Singing, “I Love You, Lord.”

I Love You.



In moments like these,
 I sing out a song;
I sing out a love song to Jesus.
In moments like these,
I lift up my hands 
I lift up my hands to the Lord.




Singing, “I Love You, Lord.”


                                   Singing, “I Love You, Lord.”

Singing, “I Love You, Lord.”

I Love You.



Singing, “I Love You, Lord.”


                                   Singing, “I Love You, Lord.”

Singing, “I Love You, Lord.”

I Love You.


Singing, “I Love You, Lord.”


                                   Singing, “I Love You, Lord.”

Singing, “I Love You, Lord.”

I Love You.



~David Graham


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When is the best time to tell Jesus that we love Him?  It may be in moments when we contemplate His great love for us.  At these times, it’s as if the screen between now and eternity is lifted and we get a glimpse of how Christ treasures us.


Everyone has unpleasant relationship issues, frustrating circumstances, and painful tragedies. That’s when we should make a conscious choice to express our love for Jesus.  Lifting our hands, like little children, we can say, “I love You, Lord.”  We experience freedom when we love Him even when life seems upside-down.


Sometimes we don’t know what our true value is.  After a bad day, it can be difficult to see any unique qualities that make us a gift to others from God.  Just remember that through prayer all things are possible.  Jesus can lift the discouragement that you feel.  He can remove the loneliness.  Spend some time with Him in prayer, and in reading His Word.  Get refreshed.  You’re very valuable to Him, just as you are.


In moments like these, or anytime, in between, tell Jesus you love Him. He is always with you.  Sing out a song of love to your Lord.



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