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  :: News

I guess as of now (9/14/03) things arent looking good for Loading..., recently our vocalist Sami moved away and david pritchard, former rythm guitar took over on vocals, Sami agreed to stay on as lyricist but this was only the beginning, next we all restarted school, but this time around with full schedules. I can't speak for Dave and Trevor but I'm putting in 45 hours a week playing in my schools band, and I have a feeling they are doing the same. Since school start I called a hiatus to give everyone a short break to catch their breath but in the mean time, Trevor joined another Thrash band, trading his guitar for in for a bass until december, and even with that we're ready to practice if it weren't for the fact that no one has anytime to themselves anymore. As far as I'm concerned I don't want this band to fall apart and I speak for everyone when I say that. So I plan to practice as much as I can and to see if I can bring together what little we have left at this time to get the band moving again. I'll keep you posted. -John

  "Loading... Album! " written by: Trevor/John on 5.19.03
The loading... Album has been put on hold for several reasons. We'll keep you posted once we put forth the idea and begin recording.

  "Forum " written by: Trevor on 5.6.03
Click the Link Below to Enter the Loading Forum
.: News Updates :.
Practice at Noor's Canceled.
Shows page added more coming also.
.: Info :.
Site Info
Name: Loading...
Age: 15
AIM: Loadingguitarist (Trevor), Loadingbassist (John)
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Red Hot Chili Peppers
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