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Archetype - Dawning 4/5

Reviewed: 4-22-05


1. Final day
2. Hands of time
3. Dawning
4. Dissension's wake
5. Inside your dreams
6. Premonitions
7. Visionary
8. Arisen
9. The mind's eye
10. Years ago

This CD came highly recommended, and I can see why. This CD from an American band features totally unique, energetic, and exciting heavy metal, and while nothing strays in a negative way from the purest concepts of heavy metal, it comes across as nothing we've quite heard before. The guitar work is a great foundation for the music, it is at once crunchy, fast, energetic, inspired, and interesting, and although the band occasionally calls to mind some progressive influence and attitude, keyboards do not play their typically ubiquitous part, but the guitar speaks for the band, as it should be!

The singer's vocals are clear and strong, just as they should be, not off-hand too comparable to any other singer I can think of. The energy and enthusiasm of the music is completely infectious, it reminds me of when I thought of wanting to write metal music, and what kind of a CD I'd put together. The goal would be to make every element, the drumming, the guitars, the bass, the vocals, all as dynamic, and well, as exciting as possible. The performances in these areas show through, and the production is a sharp, clear treat. I think this would appeal to any fan of melodic metal, as it appeals to elements of traditional, progressive and power metal without being at all limited to those specific styles and transcending the frequent weaknesses of each. Although it is intricate, and complex, it's also very well written and just immediately engaging. Highly recommended!




MAIN - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - MISC
