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Axxis - Doom of destiny 4/5

Reviewed: 12-7-07


1. Voices of destiny
2. Doom of destiny
3. Better fate
4. Blood angel
5. I hear you cry
6. The fire still burns
7. Father, father
8. Revolutions
9. She got nine lives
10. Devilish belle
11. Astoria

Beginning in 1988 and releasing their debut CD in 1989, German melodic metal band Axxis have continued to chug along, releasing strong CD after strong CD despite staying relatively unknown in the metal scene. Flash back to 2007 and Axxis have released their 11th studio album, this entitled ‘Doom of destiny’.

One thing which makes Axxis stand out is the unique high-pitched vocals of singer Bernhard Weiss, who has been with the band since its inception in 1988. His vocals are unmistakable and also quite enjoyable, if you can stand such high vocals. If you enjoy the vocals from such singers as Freedom Call’s Christian Bay, Secret Sphere’s Roberto Messina or Power Quest’s Alessio Garavello, then you will thoroughly enjoy Bernhard Weiss’ high-pitched and emotionally-charged vocals.

I first caught onto this band with their 9th studio album, called ‘Time machine’, released in 2004. Having enjoyed that CD and subsequently their following CD entitled ‘Paradise in flames’, I was rather eager to see what Axxis had in store with their new CD. After some listens, I can say that ‘Doom of destiny’ is very good, very fast, and also their heaviest CD in quite some time. One thing that I've always thought was a weakness with this band, was their ‘happy’ vibe throughout their music. Yes, it is melodic with high-pitched vocals, but it was their overuse of the keyboards which gave it a ‘happy’ feel. Don’t get me wrong, it still sounds good, but I've always felt it was something which was continuing to keep them from being better than they are.

Well, good news, as ‘Doom of destiny’ is quite heavy, still very melodic, but that overuse of the keyboards has diminished. My only gripe this time round, is Axxis’ use of a 2nd vocalist, who happens to be a woman. Sounding almost pop like, I cannot say that this female vocalist has a great voice. Her vocals are questionable at best and really weren’t needed in this CD. Weiss is good enough to do it on his own, but I can understand the reasons for Axxis using a 2nd vocalist. All is not lost, as her parts are not long and by the end of spinning the CD, you have really forgotten about them.

I am really impressed with the quality of the tracks on this new CD. Axxis have really improved in the last few years and their releases keep getting better. Their new heavier feel will attract a lot of new listeners and will make someone like me delve deeper into their past discography.

There are a lot of great songs on here, and it is a well balanced CD with really just one average track. Standouts include the title track “Doom of destiny (Arabia)”, which is the first track after the intro. It’s a slab of heavy and fast melodic power metal which really sets the scene of what the rest of the CD is like. In my opinion, “Doom of destiny” is also the best track on the CD.

“Better fate” is another top track on the CD. Sounding epic-like, it is one of the better songs where the female vocalist is used. A catchy chorus and a nice solo are included in the track. “Bloodangel” is another nice track. It sounds like your typical Axxis track: fast, melodic and catchy. “The fire still burns” is the only ballad on the CD, and it’s also a top song. Axxis do ballads very well and in this case, the same applies. Weiss’ emotional vocals are the standout. Finally, the last of the standout tracks is “Devilish belle”. It’s a mid-paced rockin’ track, very melodic and catchy as hell. Weiss’ vocals are again the standout.

In just a few short years Axxis have really improved on their sound and overall makeup. Every CD for Axxis recently seems to top the other and I can say that ‘Doom of destiny’ does just pip their previous release ‘Paradise in flames’. I really like Axxis’ harder edge in their sound on this release, and for me personally, I was looking for this band to become heavier. Anyone who hasn’t checked this band out yet, I urge you to do so, as there is plenty to enjoy. Sweet riffs, emotional vocals, hot solos and excellent songwriting. Excellent CD.




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