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The official Bobstock page

Some sites

My home page
my page of pics, ( still under development)
Northern Riot's page

What parties must have.

View My Guestbook
Sign My Guestbook
Hi, hows it hangin? this is the official bobstock page. I am Bob, the founder and coordinator of bobstock. it all started in south ripley n.y. and is expanding. we hope to have a larger crowd and more bands in the future. we are still trying to figure out a date to have bobstock so vote above. we previously have had 2 bands play, Northern Riot and FreQuency. this year we hope to have more bands. bobstock will have a fee of $5 to get in. no alcohol is permitted to anyone under 21. no illegal drugs are to be at the location of bobstock. if you have an idea for where we could have bobstock this year let us know because we are looking for a new location. i know under age drinking and drugs will be there, but dont get caught with them or else we may have to end bobstock and we dont want that to happen. If you have any questions put them in my guest book and i will answer them asap. signed: Bob
