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Regine Velasquez - "Asia's Songbird"

Regine's favorites and firsts in "Today with Kris Aquino Show"
June 1, 1999

First boyfriend: Si Ariel Rivera

First kiss: Si Ariel din eh.

Age when she had her first boyfriend: Hmm, 24 years old

First crush: Hmm, si JC Bonin of Bagets

Define love: I'm not that idealistic anymore unlike before. Now, I dunno how to describe it, you can't define it. It's far too great to put into words.

Favorite food: chicken

Favorite color: yellow

Favorite hobby: eat

Favorite sport: none

Favorite sport to watch: Basketball and soccer

Favorite perfume: Shiseido

Motto: none

Favorite get-up when sleeping: duster

Favorite actor: Aga Mulach, John Malkovich, Meryl Streep, Maricel Soriano, Meg Ryan

Favorite movie: Pretty Woman, Jerry Maguire

Favorite singer: Barbara Streisand, Kuh Ledesma

Country you want to go: Africa, I've never been there.

Dream duet: Brian McKnight

Favorite TV Show: Friends, Ally McBeal

Ideal age to settledown: Right now, 29 but there's none yet so I'm still taking my time probably mga 30-34 years old.