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Pocket Posse and the Underground Revolution

Welcome to Chaos Incarnate!

Welcome to Chaos Incarnate!

This webpage's sole purpose is to entertain, if you are not entertained by it then get the fuck out. I'm just getting started on this so bare with me, but eventually this page will dominate the world wide web...well not really but you have to have ambition. Actually this page has a purpose and a mission. First and foremost, to provide me with a place to write down all the bullshit that comes into my mind from the abyss of creativity of things that should not be. Secondly, to post some of my music, poetry and other assorted writings that I don't mind people checking long as there's no plagerism involved. If you don't know me check out my "about" page. If you just don't give a rat then be an ass and get the fuck out. And as the french say "fuck off you".

This weeks rant...

Latest rant...

When the hell did being straight become so offensive to people? I want to know why, in the the course of my week I have to worry about offending people of other sexual orientations by talking about being straight and having to refrain from picking up women in front of gays, lesbians, and bisexuals because they find that offensive. BULLSHIT! I don't yell and curse and scream and treat them like trash for wearing clothes that should never have been made, much less put on a 120 bolemic guy who chain smokes and takes it up the ass 3 times a day for fun! It's just not right, I say it should be added to the Constitution AND the bible "Thou shalt not cockblock just because you're not of the same sexual orientation as the person you are cockblocking." End of story!

This Weeks Top 10 List:

This Weeks Top 10 List:

Top Ten Ways to Get a Woman Out of "The Mood"
10) When making out, slip your tongue in her nostril.
9) When she asks you to say those "three little words" say "Suck my dick".
8) Skip the foreplay..go straight to sleep.
7) Tell her "Can we try you not looking at me the whole might be kinky."
6) Be like my friend Ryan and say "Damn girl, you is a bit thick."
5) Tell her about your pyro fetish.
4) Tell her you want to screw her in a very uncomfortable place, and no not the backseat of a VW.
3) Suggest that she "put some elbow grease into her handjobs or you wont be cumming for her tonight!".
2) While inside of her, tell her "Your sister is just a LITTLE tighter than you."
1) Knock her ass out while she's in the car, pull the tilt-steering wheel all the way down, cover the car in gasoline and watch her cry as she struggles to get out.

Seriously people, this is in good humor...or poor humor, so don't do these things..cause the bitch may just survive and try to kill you.

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