Name: Alan Hadgis
Nickname: -
Age: 14 1/2
Birth date: 02/08/89
Grade: 9 (Fresh)
Years playing trumpet: 5
Why the trumpet? My Dad said so. Naw. I like it. My Dad was an inspiration.
What do you like most about band? See friends.
Who/What is your inspiration to play the trumpet? My Dad and Grandpa
What do you do in your spare time? Soccer, Xbox, Reading, computer stuff
Favorite quote: "Winning isn't everything, it's the only thing."
Favorite musical group or artist: 50 Cent
Favorite song: "Magic Stick"
Favorite subject in school: Math
Favorite teacher: Mr. Hadgis
What do you plan to do after you graduate? Be a computer programmer.
What's your dream future? Wife, kids, house, job
What irks you the most (pet peeves)? Dumb people.
Jigsaw puzzle of Alan!
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