Name: Megan Crislip
Nickname: Squiggles, Curly Sue...yea
Age: 15 1/2
Birth date: 11-17-87
Grade: 10
Years playing the trumpet: 5
Why the trumpet?'s cool
What do you like most about band? playing music
Who/What is your inspiration to play the trumpet? umm...I kinda just like the sound of it.
What do you do in your spare time?
Favorite quote: "Hi, I'm Megan"
Favorite musical group or artist: Toby Mac, John Reuben
Favorite song: If you're happy and you know it?
Favorite subject in school: Choir
Favorite teacher: My Mom
What do you plan to do after you graduate? Go to college...get married
What's your dream future? Go to college...get married
What irks you the most (pet peeves)?cussing...complaining...unhappy people.
Jigsaw puzzle of Megan!
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