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Name: Robert V. Herman

Nickname: Robby

Age: 15

Birth date: June 22, 1988

Grade: 9

Years playing the trumpet: 4

Why the trumpet? I wanted to play brass, and it looked lighter than trombone.

What do you like most about band? The music.

Who/ What is your inspiration to play the trumpet? none

What do you do in your spare time? read, videogames

Favorite quote: none

Favorite musical group or artist: Gorillaz

Favorite song: Deep Breakfast

Favorite subject in school: Science

Favorite teacher: none

What do you plan to do after you graduate? College, the a good job.

What's your dream future? rich, married, lots of friends, healthy

What irks you the most (pet peeves)? Annoying school-mates..

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