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Abhijeet Sawant's Photo Album
Abhijeet Sawant's Photo Album « previous | index | next »

Comments (3) | Add a Comment

Abhi u just rock my world!!!!!!!!!
Kate | July 30, 2005

hey yaar(hope we got it correct coz we are from sri lanka).. any ways cant say that we were big fans of you but after going through your snaps no doubt we became your fans . lol..seems every one is sayin good about you so we were jus thikin of giving you a bad comment.. mmm you got a nice smil e but dont go putting it for every thing coz we think you look a bit gay when you do that.. lol.. catch you later.....
**** *** | September 19, 2006

i love abhijeet sawant
meenakshi maggo | | November 17, 2006