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Below is AM:AD's 'birthday card' for Andrew Lloyd Webber's production of The Phantom of the Opera. On October 9, 2006 the musical marks 20 years on the stage.

Note: Signatures and inscriptions have not been edited when added to the card.

We [the undersigned] congratulate all involved (past and present) with the smash-hit musical 'The Phantom of the Opera' on 20 years of amazing entertainment. Your skill and talent have and do thrill and awe us all.

Happy 20th, 'Phantom', may the next twenty be just as spectacular and may new generations continue to fall in love with the inhabitants of Paris' Opera House.

All I said up there :)
Ilove the movies its awesom and the Phantom is so suductive the only thing I have to say is that I think you should have done the movie ages ago with Shara Brightman and Micheal Crawfaord no pfense
Very cool Musical, Nice Voices and well put together
christine thrissa daae Mandi
I love you Andrew! I think you are a brilliant man! I will meet/see anyone as talented as you!
I love Phantom of the Opera it is just so amazeing. You truly are talented. The music is wonderful and the emotion in the story is just so intence that its hard not to get caught up in the story and the characters I cry every time at the end. I just want to say thank you for bringing this masterpiece to the world it has really changed me so thank youoh and Happy 20 Years of Phantom it really has been wonderful
Jeannie Eudy
Congratulations, Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber for twenty years of wonder, and we look forward to the new generation that has fallen in love with The Phantom of the Opera since the movie has brought a mass of new interest! My 18 year old daughter saw the movie before I did, and she came home ready to take me with her to see it again. She saw it 12 times, 11 for me. She had to have the CD the day after she saw the movie the first time, and knows all the music by heart. Your wonderful music is timeless, and greatly appreciated! Thank you for all of your hard work, and wonderful use of your talents!! Sincerely, Jeannie Eudy, Texas
Jenna Kirby
You have rekindled my love for the Theatre and I will shortly be seeing the production for the second time. It still amazes me how you can make each performance as amazing as opening night. Congratulations!
my gradaughter is doing a project on a famous composer, she has chose you Andrew, because she loves all your music
More than one generation has fallen in love with the story, and now we have the opportunity to become enchanted by the musical. What else can I say, but "great job"?
I love the musical!! The actors and actresses that you have playing the parts are magnificent! Hopefully this wonderful mussical will be around for many more years to come! Happy Birthday!!
Raelynn D
Thank you for 20 years of phantastic music, and for the best stageplay ever performed!
Congratulations on 20 years of Phantom! I think it's the most beatifull story put together with the most beautifull music! So, best wishes on the next 20 years! *runs off to listen to phantom soundtrack*
Brooke Watson
I just want ot say that the Phantom of the Opera is the best musical that has ever hit the stage! Webber is a very talented and gifted composer and on October 9, I will be cheering for the 20th year on stage! Good Luck!
ange of music you've decieved me
Ryan Nicholas
It's been a great 20 years! Thank You!
Roseline klochkov
I think it is the best I might be only 16 but I an already in love with it thanx
Lorie Nicholas
I thank you for this wonderful work of art and the music that will forever touch my soul.
Becca, Alisa,and Tom
We've all enjoyed this musical extremely!! It is a breathtaking romance!! Thank you!!
Helena Jankowski
Great job Mr. Lloyd Webber!I can't believe the show is really 20 years old!I hope it last at least another 20 years if not forever.Happy 20th birthday,'Phantom'!Wow, 20 years of awsome entertainment.Good Luck in the Future!
I love the movies and the books,so I really have only one thing to say I love you Erik
Congrats, and hopfully another twenty here we come
Thank you! I love the story
Allee lawrence
Congratulations and Thanks for Creating the most breathtaking musical in history, and letting us dream,
Kathleen Van
Thank for everything you have done in teaching the world new ways to dream.
Simply incredible how you were able to take such a wonderful book and make it into an even more astounding musical. Congratulations on "Phantom" playing for 20 years and being the most well known musical of our time. Erik would be quite proud.
Well...what can we say that probably hasn't been said? ALW, YOU ROCK! This musical/story is one of the few things keeping us sane in this messed-up world, and for that we say this: No other composer can ever compare (except for Erik of course)! The Angel of Music would be proud! Kinda sad, the three of us can define obsession so easily at such relatively young ages :-)
On ALW's 60th Birthday, my friends and I will have a spendid Birthday celebration-dressing up as characters from JOSEPJ....DREAMCOAT or J.C. SUPERSTAR. For Andrew composes THE MUSIC OF THE NIGHT.Andrew's a DIAMOND IN OUR DULL GREY LIVES.
I love the phantom even though I was 12 the first time I saw it 11 when I first heard it is incredible I will forever sing the songs in my head, and out load thank you so much.

Use the form below to add your name, thanks, and belated well wishes. Serious signatures only, please.

This is intended to celebrate the production, not compare or criticize. The Wishes field does not have to be filled for your signature to be included on the card.

Inscriptions I deem inappropriate will be left off of the page/card.

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(All submissions deemed less than serious or insulting or crude will be discarded without addition or explanation.)

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