You are a Book Phan- You are the ultimate Phan because you have chosen the original as your primary source of info. This is not to say you do not enjoy other versions. You very well might such as Kopit and Yeston or ALW.
Congratulations! You could give the Phantom a run for his money in the obsession department! You are over the top obsessed knowing all there is to know!! Be proud of your obsession. After all, obsession is just flattery to the extreme! So show off your phantom loving status, cause your impressive obsession makes you a true phantom Phan!!!
You are a complete Phan! Go you! You've seen like a thousand times, know every word, and own every item of memorabila (sp?) possible! THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA IS THERE - INSIDE MY MIND!!!!!
Image You like it! You really like it! You saw that play on Broadway and man it was cool! Maybe you'll even buy the soundtrack! You're not anywhere near obsessing, but you do hold a place in your heart for the beautiful story.