The September 2007 poetry project consists of writing one poem per day in the month of September and putting it up for public consumption regardless of its state of completion.
Sept 17
by Rachel Levine
Poem 17. Saint
There is a place in the city
that only I know,
A place in the city
where only I go.
My statue is there, Saint Someone.
His eyes to God, his finger to God,
arm holding a Bible,
and someone gave him a bottle of Goldschlager.
I visit my Saint
and try to do a headstand for him.
Birds sit on his head.
He never complains.
Since he is enduring,
leaves that change colour, leaves that fall,
I ask him questions,
questions that seem important to me.
He doesn't answer,
but I know what he means.
©Rachel Levine 2007