The September 2007 poetry project consists of writing one poem per day in the month of September and putting it up for public consumption regardless of its state of completion.
Poem 20. three days
Finishing the doctorate
is scarier than getting married.
I have been engaged to my thesis
for ten years.
Now we are going to tie the knot.
In three days.
I can't wait.
I also can't believe it.
I will start a new life,
with a new name.
Titled, bedecked with an honor
of ten years of labor.
And for our honeymoon,
I am going to take the day off
By Wednesday,
life will go on
and I will be back at work
and still need to lose five pounds
and still have to walk the dog
every morning at 6:30 a.m.
and still feel uncomfortable
around strangers
and argue with my mother
over my clothes and hair,
and I will still not have a boyfriend
in three days.
©Rachel Levine 2007