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About This Layout

This layout is named "Pink Garden" created using PSP brushes. I made used of brushes to paint some subtle effects resembling a bit like a garden and focusing on images of butterflies also done by brushes. You can get these brushes from Angelic-Trust.

Note: Due to the transparent scrollbar script used in this design, this design will not work properly in non IE browser. It can only work in advance IE browsers.

 Using This Layout

Unzip the zip file to a temporary folder. After unzipping the files, personalize the layout and upload everything to your server . 

Contents are edited on main.html. Menu on index.html. If you want the menu links to open in a new window, add <a href="linkhere.html" target="_blank">link text</a>. All links in the menu automatically open in the content frames unless you set the target for individual links.

If you have problems, please read the Graphics Installation FAQ first before you seek further help. If you are unable to find your answers in the FAQ, please post your questions to the DDG message board Web Design Help Forum.

This design uses a CSS file (style.css) for formating the font face and colors.

 Copyrights & Credits

This design is copyrighted by Day Dream Graphic and usage of this layout is permitted only if used accordingly to our Policy.

This layout is free for personal use only and is linkware. If you use this layout, you must not edit, cover or remove the watermark and link to Day Dream Graphics below.  The link must be on the actual layout where used on a main page. Copyright enforcers will be set against people who use my designs for commercial purposes or without credit and no technical support is provided for such abuse as well.

If this layout inspires you to make a similar one, I'll appreciate a link too. Thank you and enjoy.

Note : Due to people not giving credit to DDG while using my designs, this design has been watermarked. As such, please give credit as a link to DDG if you adopt this design. It took me a while to do this design.

Site belongs to Your Name.
Design © by DayDreamGraphics.