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Life from a slightly different point of view...
Friday, 26 August 2005
Mood:  don't ask
Now Playing: Buffett, as usual
My gawd.... I'm gone from work not even 2 good weeks and the office goes to shit. this Sucks. Who knows when I'll go back -- only the knee knows. But, to go back to a world of difference... not looking forward to it.
Added more stuff to the website (meet the animals in my house... that kind of stuff..) I can't help myself. There is only so much tv that a person can watch... Only so much playstation a person can play... Can't walk, can't drive, so can't go karaoke... Life sucks... I think I'll go bitch about the cost of fuel and zonl out. laters y'all

Posted by music6/jb4prez at 4:00 PM CDT
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Tuesday, 23 August 2005
Hello World!
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: Buffett :)
Pain pills are such a glorious thing. Had Knee surgery 2 weeks ago and the damn thing still hurts like hell.. So, as you might imagine, I'm lovin me some Lortabs right now :) Anyways...
New blog, new website (can you tell I've had way too much time on my hands lately?) if you want to check it out. I'm about to go work on it yet some more :) (well hell -- my life usually consists of eat, sleep, work -- wash, rinse, and repeat.. Can't go to work till doc releases me so I have to find some way to burn time! Any ideas?) Anyhoo, need a smoke then time to let the creative juices flow (after I check email... I have to know the latest gossip from the office!) Laters all :)

Posted by music6/jb4prez at 10:06 PM CDT
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