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- Dec. 6, 2004 - Novembers Doom Part Ways With Bassist, Seek Replacement

Chicago doomsters NOVEMBERS DOOM have parted ways with bass player Mike LeGros. Mike played bass with the band for the past two years, and contributed to the recording of the upcoming CD, "The Pale Haunt Departure". "It was brought to our attention that he was not comfortable in the band due to creative differences, and the dedication to his instrument we required suffered because of this," the group said in a statement. "Very simply, it was time for a change, on both sides. Mike is an amazing person, and we are forever grateful for everything he did for NOVEMBERS DOOM during his time with us. We wish him nothing but the best with DISINTER, NACHTMYSTIUM, and any other project he aligns himself with!

"We are in the process of filling the vacant bass position, and this will not hinder us from touring, and promoting 'The Pale Haunt Departure' in 2005. Any interested parties should email:"

"The Pale Haunt Departure" was mixed by Swedish producer/musician Dan Swanö (BLOODBATH, EDGE OF SANITY, NIGHTINGALE) and is being mastered by James Murphy (DEATH, OBITUARY, TESTAMENT). An early 2005 release through The End Records is expected.

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