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- Dec. 11, 2004 - Shattered Realm Xmas Benefit Show

The guys in Shattered Realm are taking part in a benefit show this weekend to help out a friend who has hit a rough spot. Here is a statement from the band:

"This show is a benifit/toy drive for a friend who has fallen on hard times and will not be able to spend Christmas with his 2 year old daugther. We are raising money and collecting toys to help out a good friend, and give a wonderful little girl a great holiday. Please come out and help us help them. So many people have come to us willing to help in anyway possible. Please know that every donation will be appreciated more than we can explain. Thank you to everyone who has offered help in any way.”

The show also features Blacklisted, Punishment, and others. Here is the info:

Sunday, December 12
Montclair, NJ @ the Bloomfield Ave. Cafe
$12 donation, or 6$ and an unopened toy for a 2 year old girl.

If you can't make it to the show but would like to help out, email Joe at for more info.


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