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- Dec. 14, 2004 - Meshuggah: 'Catch 33' Tentatively Scheduled For Release In April

Nuclear Blast Records has set an April 11, 2005 tentative European release date for the new MESHUGGAH studio album, "Catch 33".

In a recent interview with the Chronicles of Chaos extreme music webzine, MESHUGGAH drummer Tomas Haake said of the upcoming CD, "It's not a proper full-length if you will, more like an experimental full-length. Like [the recently issued EP] 'I', it will be one single song, but at full-length. It's going to be much more guitar riff based than anything we have ever done as well, so there won't be as much of the drumming that kind of throws you off — just more straightforward, but at the same time totally insane riffing. . . It's definitely experimental and we're not telling people that this is the next official full-length. If you're looking for another 'Chaosphere' or another 'Nothing' that contains a bunch of different songs, then this is probably not the album that you want to buy, but if you're interested in anything that we're doing then it's something you should check out. Like I said, I'm sure that MESHUGGAH fans will love it. It's definitely a step to the side of what we're doing right now."

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