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- Dec. 16, 2004 - Former Emperor Members Form New Band

Two years ago, a group of people convened to discuss the possibility of making an album that would impact the world music scene like never before. Some rehearsals took place in 2002 and ideas and plans were thrown back and forth. However, due to prior commitments and time conflicts, the line up was forced to change. But the core of the group maintained the idea and finally, in the fall 2004, the decision was made to make it happen. Scum was spawned.

Now you have the eccentric punk rocker Casey Chaos, you have Samoth and Faust from Emperor appearing together on an album for the first time in over 10 years, you have the denim stud rocker Happy Tom from Turbonegro and you have the fresh blood of Cosmocrator from Extreme Metal band MindGrinder.

The blueprint of this album was simple. Having some of the most respected pioneers of True Norwegian Black Metal, that genre was used for the basis, and blended that with a punk rock attitude, as well as various aggressive hooks.

This is an album of action and freedom. A unique alliance to address the state of affairs in music, and bring life to a dead and politically correct society.

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